Wednesday 25 March 2015

Elken MRT Concept - The 4 Simple Steps

Just as I have promised in my previous blog entitled, "The Holistic Health Solution, Molecular Reform Therapy (MRT)", I will elaborate more on the 4 steps of Elken's MRT concept. Before we proceed to the details of the 4 steps of Elken's MRT concept, I would like to give a brief explanation on why MRT concept focuses on the health of cell and what are the most fundamental requirements for any living organism to live.

What is our body made of?

The human body is made up of 60-80 trillion cells and all these cells are actually living in a bio-terrain, known as "interior milieu" or "interior terrain". If you take a look at any part of our body under a strong electronic microscope, you will find that we not as solid as we think we are. Our body is actually made up of almost 80% liquid! All these 60-80 trillion cells are actually immersed and surrounded by a layer of bio-terrain instead of being connected to each other side by side. Cell is the core of our entire body and the bio-terrain is the living environment for our cells. Our body cells can be divided into 3 main groups:
Soft cells - organs, skin, muscles, hair, etc.
Solid cells - bones, nails & teeth
Liquid cells - blood
Similar cells group up together to form tissue, and similar group of tissues will form an organ. When two or more organs are linked together, they became a system that performs specific function in our body. With all these systems working together to support each other, our human body is thus formed. Therefore, having healthy cell and healthy bio-terrain are the two most important factor of all because they are the very core foundation of our entire body.

The Most Fundamental Requirement of for any Living Organism to Live

As we all know, every living organism needs these 4 most fundamental requirements to live:
1. Air - normal human can barely survive pass 5 minutes without air
2. Water - normal human can only survive 3-5 days without water
3. Food - normal human can only survive roughly 2 weeks without any food
4. A suitable living environment - human can somewhat find ways to adapt to almost any environment on earth as long as air, water and food are easily available, and provided the environment is not dangerously hazardous.
There may be some extremely rare species that could survive for an amazing period of time under the most extreme conditions such as no water, no air, no food or deadly living environment, but that is a matter of survival, not health. For any living organism to live a healthy life, all these 4 fundamental requirements need to be full filled at all time. Our body cells also need them in order to be healthy.

The 4 Steps of Elken's MRT Concept:

I am sure that almost everyone of us knows very well that in order to be healthy, we need to eat healthy food, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, live a happy life, have a healthy lifestyle and stays in a pollution free environment. However, how many of us knows exactly what all that means? You can be eating "healthy" food, but still not getting enough nutrients. You can be drinking plenty of water, but still having dehydration problem or still ending up with kidney issues. You can be a world class athlete, following a healthy diet menu from top nutritionists, but still getting chronic diseases. You can be living a healthy lifestyle, but still end up being unhealthy. So what went wrong? What is missing in the puzzle? All the answers can be found in these 4 steps:

Step 1: Balanced Nutrient

When doctors told their patients to go on a healthy diet, the usual reaction would be something in the line of; I need to lower my sugar intake, I need to lower my salt intake, I need to stop taking oily or deep fried food, I need to eat 7-9 portions of fruits and vegetables a day, I need to control my intake of alcoholic drinks, I need to follow the food pyramid, I need to supplement the vitamins & minerals that I am lacking, etc. All these directions aren't totally wrong, but there is more to it.
What does balanced nutrient actually means? Here is the first missing pieces of "healthy diet". According to step 1 of Elken's MRT Concept, balanced nutrient actually means providing our cells with balanced portion of the 46 essential nutrients (8 types of amino acids, 18 types of vitamins & 20 types of minerals) that it needs everyday. Although our body requires hundreds of other nutrients to carry out their daily processes, these 46 essential nutrients are the ONLY nutrients that our cells actually need from the food we consume! Hence it is called the "essentials". With these 46 essential nutrients, our cells can create all the other remaining nutrients that it needs to carry out its daily tasks. These 46 essential nutrients are the only food that really matters for our cells.
So how do we get these 46 essential nutrients from the food we consume?
In these days, the era of 21st century, getting these 46 essential nutrients from our daily food intake is almost near to impossible! We live in an era of fast food, processed food, GMO food, toxic food (food that comes with free herbicide, pesticide, insecticide, growth hormones, artificial flavorings, artificial colors, preservatives, and other harmful chemicals) and nutrient deprived food. It will cost us a fortune to obtain these 46 essential nutrients from our daily food intake nowadays. The general guidelines to ensure that you obtained all 46 essential nutrients are as follows:
1. Follow the food pyramid guideline and ALL your food must be 100% organic
2. You need to consume vegetables from 5 different color groups (red, yellow/orange, green, white & black/purple). Eat them raw if possible or cook with low temperature.
3. You need to consume whole fruits from various different color groups (red, yellow/orange, green, blue, purple, black, white).
4. You need to consume 7-9 portions of fruits and vegetables a day
At this point, some of you may be thinking of this, "Wait a minute. My ancestors never ate that much food in a day, never knew about the food pyramid, and they lived healthily past 100 years old!" I am sorry to tell you that, you are no longer living in the era of your ancestors. Your ancestors eat mostly organic food (free from pesticide, herbicide, insecticide, preservatives, growth hormones, and non-GMO), they exercise a lot everyday, they live in areas that are surrounded by plants, their water & air are less polluted, they sleep early & wake up early everyday, and their life is less stressful. It is also noteworthy that living a long life does not necessarily mean living a healthy life. It is NOT necessary for an elderly person to have health issues such as poor eyesight, bad hearing, weak limbs, joint pain issues, etc. Our body may age, but it doesn't mean it is "normal" to have health issues when we get old. We have been brain-washed to believe that when we reached certain age, it is perfectly "normal" to have health issues such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, joint pain, poor eyesight, back pain, fragile bones, etc. All these abnormalities have been casually brushed off as the "norms" by health experts that we entrusted our health issues to. If you are in the late 40s, when you go for a medical check up and is diagnosed to have slightly high blood pressure, slightly high cholesterol level and slightly high blood sugar, chances are, your doctor may tell you that it is "normal" for people of your age to have these issues. Your doctor may even add that you are considered "very healthy" as many others have much worse readings. When a lady is pregnant and is diagnosed with temporary diabetes or other health issues, the doctor will also brush it off as a common, "normal" reaction due to hormone changes. Are all these really "normal"? Of course they are NOT normal. We are NOT supposed to have health issues when we get old. We are SUPPOSED to remain healthy until our very last breath. Without the knowledge of MRT concept, I too, could have been one of the victims who would blindly believe that we are supposed to have health issues as we grow older. From my previous blog, "The Holistic Health Solution, Molecular Reform Therapy" i already mentioned that MRT advocates that the human body will not fall sick as long as our cells receive all their essential needs (balanced nutrients, oxygen & pure water) regularly and are free from metabolic abnormalities. This holds true regardless of our age.
So am I doomed to live an unhealthy life if I couldn't follow the 4 general guidelines of daily food intake above? Don't worry, there are always some other alternatives. Our mother nature has prepared the perfect food for us ever since pre-historic ages. According to step 1 of Elken's MRT Concept, the easiest and healthiest way to obtain these 46 essential nutrients is of course through consumption of Elken's Spirulina. For those who has consumed or bought it before, but didn't really know why you are being recommended to consume it, you now know the real reason why you absolutely need it. It is simply the most complete food, a gift from our mother nature, for our cells. Step 1 of MRT Concept is also the only reason why Elken is not promoting any man-made multivitamins. We can never beat the creation of our mother nature.
The second missing pieces of "healthy diet" lies in the health condition of the bio-terrain that our cells lives in, the "interior milieu" (translates as Interior Terrain). Try to rear a gold fish in polluted water and I am sure that it will either die easily or have lots of health issues even if you feed it with the best gold fish food in the world. That is how deep our living environment impacts our health and I am sure that everyone would totally agree that a healthy living environment makes a huge difference. The earth that we live in today is almost heavily polluted everywhere. There is nothing much that we can do about the exterior terrain that we live in, except for starting to make it greener for the generations to come via the use of environmental friendly technologies & products. What about the interior terrain of our cells? The good news is, our mother nature always have the perfect solution for us, and the bad news is, a certain powerful and influential organisation has been deliberately trying to hide this piece of information from the public for the past 100+ years. This piece of information is a huge threat to them so they did everything within their power to keep it hidden from the public, so that the public will continue to treat their products as the magic pill for their health issues.
Why is interior terrain so important?
1. It is the world that our cells live in. Imagine that our body is an aquarium, interior terrain is the water inside the aquarium and our cells are the fish that live in the aquarium.
2. It determines how healthy our cell grows. If you compare the health status of someone who lives in a busy city surrounded by sky scrappers and the health status of someone who lives deep in the mountain, surrounded by nature, it is not surprising that the one who lives in healthy environment is much healthier than the one who lives in highly polluted environment. Despite having less or no access to modern medicine facilities, someone who lives in a healthy environment will always prevail in health.
3. It influences the ability of our cells to metabolize. Our environment greatly effects our efficiency in carrying out our daily works. If you are trying to record an album, you would want to be in a sound proof room with all your musical equipment working properly. If you are trying to take a shower, you would want to be in a bathroom with clean water access. If you to have a rest, you would prefer a place that you could sit or lie down comfortably. This is also true with our cells. If our cells are immersed in a healthy environment, it would be able to carry out it's tasks flawlessly with much greater efficiency.
4. It governs the communication ability among our cells. Imagine the interior terrain as the wireless signal from your broadband supplier. When the signal is strong, and your system is fully optimized, you would be able to browse the web and carry out all your online tasks at top speed. When there are interruptions to the signal, you may lost your connection or it will take much longer for you to complete your online tasks. Our cells needs to communicate with each other to allow our brain to know what is going on in the body. Therefore, a healthy interior terrain is important to ensure that our brain is being notified the instant something went wrong. If these communication fails, it could mean a delay in the repair, and it could also lead to a fatal situation where it is beyond repair.
How can I restore the interior terrain to a healthy state?
The ONE and ONLY way to restore the interior terrain of our body is by replenishing the essential traces elements that it consists of. Throughout the history, only ONE person has discovered and successfully harvested the life plasma that our mother nature prepared for us. This amazing person is non other than Rene Quinton, a French doctor, biologist, biochemist physiologist and a national hero, whose discovery in evolutionary theory is considered to be more accurate than that of Charles Robert Darwin. Rene Quinton's evolutionary theory has lead to the discovery of Quinton Life Plasma (brought into Malaysia & South East Asia exclusively by Elken and registered under the name "Kington Life Plasma"), the ONE and ONLY clinically proven (over 100 years of detailed documented clinical application, recorded in the French's reputable medical reference, the Vidal Dictionary) raw natural product that is almost identical to our blood plasma. Till date, it is the ONE and ONLY known product, capable of restoring our interior terrain.

Step 2: Increased Oxygen Intake

Once we have full-filled the "healthy diet" requirements, we need to look into the "exercise regularly" requirements. As we all know, we can't live without air. At first glance on step 2, this thought may have crossed your mind, "Are you going to tell me that there is a secret method of breathing?". Anyway, the answer is NO. Step 2 is not about breathing exercise or any top secret breathing method, if you do know any special breathing technique that is beneficial to health, I would be interested to hear about it. Step 2 of Elken's MRT concept is actually about ensuring that the supply of oxygen throughout your body is sufficient. Our main organ in our respiratory system is our lung. Our lung has many functions, but one of its most important role is that it is responsible in obtaining oxygen from the air we breath and pass them into our blood stream to be distributed to the 60-80 trillion cells in our body.
When we were told to exercise regularly, the real message behind it is actually to increase the oxygen intake of our body. The sweating part is a plus, but it is definitely not the main purpose of doing exercise. Exercises are divided into 2 main categories, aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic exercises are exercises that promotes oxygen flow to our cells. Anaerobic exercises, however, are exercises that depletes oxygen from our cells. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you are actually doing regular aerobic exercises instead of anaerobic exercises as that would backfire your main purpose of exercising, which is to increase oxygen intake. The general rules of thumb for aerobic exercise are as follows:
1. Do the exercise for at least a 30 minutes session
2. Do the exercise at least 3 times a week
3. Monitor your heartbeat during exercise, ensuring that it exceeds 120 bpm.
In step 2 of Elken's MRT Concept, there are two ways for us to achieve increased oxygen intake. One of them is Guasa Therapy, which is actually a traditional Chinese therapy that has all the benefits and therapeutic effect of acupuncture minus the risks that acupuncture possesses, and the other method is through oral consumption of stabilized oxygen supplement.
Guasa Therapy is being taught in Elken in the form of Guasa Exercise. While retaining all it's therapeutic benefits, Guasa exercise is also an excellent form of aerobic exercise. Another beauty of this exercise is that it can be carried out anywhere and anytime,as long as one of our hand is free to hold the guasa board (the only tool required to perform guasa exercise apart from guasa oil, which is required only if you want to achieve much greater therapeutic effects). Guasa exercise can be learnt instantly at a glance and you can even use your knowledge in Guasa Therapy to diagnose the health condition of your organs.
The 2nd way to achieve increased oxygen via step 2 of Elken MRT is through a product called AOII. It is a stabilized, highly concentrated and clinically proven oxygen supplement that allows you to increase oxygen level in your blood stream within 20 minutes after consumption.
Why do we need to increase our oxygen intake?
1. Every single cell activities in our body require oxygen.
2. Oxygen is a strong anti-oxidant. It helps us to fight off free radical.
3. Oxygen is also one of our best anti-bacterial agent. Most harmful microorganisms cannot survive in an oxygen rich environment.
4. Oxygen allows our blood to flow more fluently and prevents our blood from clotting.
What makes us deprived of oxygen?
1. Stress, the invisible killer. It's not just the oxygen, it made us deprived of nutrients as well.
2. Air pollution. In order to process all the pollutants, our body needs more oxygen to carry out it's duty.
3. Air conditioned offices. Air conditioned room has poor air flow, hence the longer you stay in the office, the poorer the air quality gets.
4. Smoking
5. Burning midnight oil
6. Living in a busy city surrounded by sky scrappers and packed with vehicles.
7. Lack of exercise.

Step 3: Detoxification

Detoxification is one of the most famous health care steps out there. Advancement in technology brings lots of convenience and comfort to our daily life, but at the same time, technology also brings destruction to our health. Nowadays, our body is being exposed to. far too much toxic such as growth hormones, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, preservatives, artificial flavorings, artificial colors, heavy metals, harmful chemicals and even traces of drugs. Therefore, it is not surprising at all that there are plenty of detox formula out there, maybe more than enough for an individual to try out a new detox formula everyday for a few years. Before we even begin to choose a detox method, let us first look at the detoxing systems that our body is equipped with.
1. Skin - our largest detoxing organ that helps us to detox in the form of sweat
2. Liver - our largest multi-functional chemical processing factory that is responsible for the majority of detoxification process in our body
3. Kidney - cleanses our blood and flush out toxic via bladder
4. Lung - filtering the air that we breath in and releases carbon dioxide
5. Colon - our body's final rubbish bin that allows us to excrete the remains of the food we eat via the help of beneficial bacteria in our body
Our body's detoxification system is actually quite perfect and effective. Therefore, there is no need for us to participate in detoxing program that forcefully command our body to flush out the so-called "toxic", or consuming detoxing products that claims to be detoxing our body on behalf of our body's detoxification systems. In accordance to step 3 of Elken's MRT Concept, detoxification actually refers to the restoration of our body's natural detoxification ability.
So what does our detoxification systems need to carry out their detoxification duty?
1. Skin - What is the best way to enhance our skin's detoxification ability? Aerobic exercises of course (guasa exercise, hot guasa spa, yoga, tai chi, etc.). Doing some simple exercises are all it takes to allow our skin to start detoxing our body, so just spare some time for it. If you are too lazy to spare time for exercise, other more relaxing options such as sauna, hot spring, and spa treatments are available too, but at higher costs.
2. Liver - Our liver is an amazing and very special organ in our body. It is the only organ that doesn't feel pain and it has the ability to fully regrow itself even if 2/3 of it is being cut off. Our liver is a very sophisticated organ that dealt with hundreds of different processes. How can we help such an amazing multi-tasking organ? We just have to provide it with all the nutrients and phyto-nutrients that it needs to carry out its tasks. There are numerous liver detoxification programs out there. Some herb based, some fruits based, some vegetable based, some are mixture of fruits and vegetables and there are even some that are chemical based. A simple rule to follow here, stay away from anything that is not 100% organic when it comes to liver.
3. Kidney - This organ detox through our urinary bladder, and it works like a blood filter inside our body. Hence, drinking pure water/reverse osmosis water is one of the best thing we could do to allow our kidney to carry out its detoxification while lightening its burdens at the same time, as there is no need for them to filter pollutants in our drinking water. Many health experts blindly accused pure water for being "too clean" and so on. If you were to question anyone among the 50 certified highest grade water specialists from WQA, they will tell you that water is just H2O. Nothing more nothing less. Regardless of their grade, any certified water specialists out there that would recommend consumption of pure water as the healthiest choice of drinking water.
4. Lung - We don't really need to do anything out of the ordinary to enhance our lung's detoxification ability. Similar to skin, simple aerobic exercises are sufficient as oxygen is what our lung needs to carry out it's detoxification duty.
5. Colon - The rubbish bin in our body. Rubbish bin doesn't clean itself, so someone else has to do the work. This organ is also a very special because it cannot function properly on its own. Just like rubbish bin, needing someone to clean it, our colon is also dependent on beneficial bacteria to carry out the detoxification work. Without the aid from these beneficial bacteria, our colon is actually useless, therefore enhancing our colon's detoxification ability is as simple and as straight forward as replenishing the beneficial bacteria in our colon.
The most basic rule that we need to remember to keep our body healthy is, let our body do its work properly. Don't try to out-smart our body. All we need to do is to understand what our body needs to carry out their work and give it to them. The top 4 elements that our body needs to carry out their detoxification duties are as follows:
1. Oxygen
2. Pure Water (Reverse osmosis with filtration of 0.0001 micron)
3. Nutrients, phytonutrients & anti-oxidants
4. Beneficial bacteria

Step 4: Health Regulation

Step 4 of Elken's MRT concept is a step that allows us to either restore our health or further optimize our health, hence it is called health regulation. This step targets deficiencies within specific organ systems and Elken offers complementary supplements to aid in the healing process of the affected area in order to restore good health. The organ systems that are available in human body are listed as follows:
1. Central Nervous System
2. Circulatory System
3. Digestive System
4. Endocrine System
5. Excretory System
6. Immune System
7. Musculoskeletal System
8. Reproduction System (female)
9. Reproduction System (male)
10. Respiratory System
Our body is such a wonderful system. When something is wrong, it will send out signals to notify us while trying to heal itself. If we could learn to interpret all these signals accurately, we could restore our health immediately with minimal burden on our organ systems. This concludes all 4 steps of Elken's MRT Concept. Just as what I have mentioned before, I am not a doctor, nor a health expert. I am just a practitioner of Elken's MRT Concept, so the knowledge that I possessed regarding MRT Concept is nothing more than the tip of an iceberg.

What does pioneer health experts have to say about Elken's MRT Concept?

1. "Make clear the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying human diseases and use this newly gained knowledge for treatment" - Dr. Ferid Murad, USA (Nobel Laureate in Medicine in 1998) Director of the Institute of Molecular Medicine for the Prevention of Human Diseases, Houston, Texas
2. "Our bodies are made up of 60 trillion cells that form the foundation of life. Each part of the body needs to be completely healthy in order for the body to function at the optimal cpacity" - Professor Keiun Kodo, Japan (PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences)
3. "Elken MRT programme is a powerful, natural and comprehensive health care programme. This programme has been proven successful for over 10 years. I am in full support of Elken's new vision to promote the enhanced MRT programme" - Dr. Yasumasa Kodo, Japan (PhD, Bio-organic Chemistry, Oxford University, UK)
4. "Molecular Reform Therapy (MRT) concept is built to ensure the 60-80 trillion cells in the human body are being nourished adequately. This, in turn, leads to optimum functioning of the body and reinforces our immune system. It is a natural but yet highly effective self-managed therapy." - Dr. Andrew Keech, New Zealand (PhD, Chemical and Process Engineering)
5. "It must be stressed that all components of MRT are equally important and they work hand in hand to attain the desired result of preventing and relieving symptoms of various diseases. Increasing the oxygen intake will help to provide an instant energy boost to the body" - Dr. Randy Widmer, Canada (PhD of Naturopathy N.D. and Nutritional Consultant N.C.)
Thank you very much for reading my blog. Hope that my sharing is informative and helpful enough. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


  1. Very much useful and good information.

  2. Are there any certificate program for Guasha thearapy
